Hieroglyphic Cartouche
Aa AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZ -
Hieroglyphic Decorative
m AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZ -
Hieroglyphic Phonetic
Aa AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZ
Buy Hieroglyphic
Hieroglyphic Family Styles included • Cartouche • Decorative • Phonetic $20.00 |
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Hieroglyphs were a pictorial alphabet used in Ancient Egypt from 3100 BC to approximately 300 AD. This font set features over 250 different phonetic and decorative hieroglyphics, complete with an extensive translation chart. P22’s Hieroglyphic font adapts one of the world’s most ancient forms of art and communication for today’s technology. Note: This is not an automatic word translator. It is a font set. It is used just like any other font and does not require special software skills.
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latin capital letter a U+0041