Fleurons Garamont
Fleurons Granjon
Aa 12 34 56 56 78 Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj kK Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq SsTt Uu Vv Ww -
Fleurons Rogers
Aa AB CD EF GH IJ KL MN OP QR ST UV WX YZ ab cdefgh ij kl mn op
Buy Fleurons
Fleurons Family Styles included • Garamont • Granjon • Rogers $20.00 |
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LTC Fleurons is a selection of decorative characters comprised primarily of ornaments designed by Bruce Rogers. They were meant to accompany the Lanston release of Goudy’s Garamont fonts in 1923. The ornaments, modeled after others from the 16th century, are more than a fitting companion to Garamont. With little effort, these elegant elements can become beautifully detailed borders, arabesques, and patterns for adding typographic interest and garnering attention.
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latin capital letter a U+0041