Bixler Ornaments

  • Bixler Ornaments One

    Z DCGHklqruvwxyz1234abghBCEFIJKLMN
  • Bixler Ornaments Two

    Aa AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZ

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Bixler Ornaments
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Bixler Ornaments

LTC Bixler Ornaments include many designs in the metal Bixler Type Handypacks from P22 that were created using Lanston mats. Now a typeface for modern use, it presents the 56 fleuron designs found in the metal type — each rotated and optimized to align easily and tightly for digital layouts. These refined elements easily become beautifully detailed borders, arabesques, and patterns for adding typographic interest and garnering attention. Bixler Ornaments was designed by Terry Wüdenbachs.

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latin capital letter a U+0041

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